Category Idiomas

  • Free Swedish Course

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    Con este curso gratis de 16 lecciones en vídeo aprenderás a hablar Sueco

    El sueco (en sueco: Acerca de este sonido svenska (?·i)) es una lengua germánica del norte de Europa, hablada por entre 9 y 14 millones de personas. La mayoría de sus hablantes vive en Suecia, en Finlandia y en las Islas Åland (autónomas), donde es el idioma oficial. El sueco es una lengua nórdica, al igual que el danés, el noruego, el islandés y el feroés. Las lenguas nórdicas son un subgrupo de las lenguas germánicas, las cuales forman parte de la familia lingüística conocida como lenguas indoeuropeas. El sueco, al igual que el resto de lenguas nórdicas, desciende del nórdico antiguo, hablado en Escandinavia durante la época vikinga. El sueco es en gran parte comprensible para un noruego y un danés.

  • Free Romanian Course A1

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    With this free course of 75 video lessons you will learn to speak Romanian, Level A1

    The Romanian language (limba română, IPA ['limba ro'mɨnə]) is an Indo-European language belonging to the Eastern group of Romance languages. Among them, it occupies the fifth position in terms of the number of speakers in the European Union, following Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian. For reasons of typological differentiation, the Romanian language is also called Daco-Romanian (although it is little known). For political reasons, the authorities of Moldova (as in the unrecognized State of Transnistria) use the Moldovan name to refer to the Romanian language they speak there, although there is little difference, with the accent being the most relevant.

  • Ancient Greek Course from Zero

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    Con este curso gratuito de 41 lecciones en vídeo aprenderás Griego Antiguo

    El griego antiguo (autoglotónimo: Ἑλληνική (Hellēnikḗ), Ἀρχαία (Arkhaía)) se refiere a la lengua hablada en Grecia durante la Antigüedad. Estaba dividido en varias ramas dialectales. En el periodo helenístico predominó una variedad común del idioma a la que se denominaba koiné. Posteriormente evolucionó durante la Edad Media dando lugar al griego moderno.

    El griego antiguo es la lengua de muchas grandes obras literarias, entre ellas los poemas homéricos y el Nuevo Testamento. Ha tenido una gran influencia en muchas de las lenguas modernas de la actualidad, a través, principalmente, del latín.

  • Free Modern Greek Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    With this free course of 45 video lessons you will learn to speak Modern Greek

    Modern Greek is considered the last stage in the evolution of the Greek language, and corresponds to the variant of this language spoken from the Modern Age to the present. The date of its emergence is symbolically taken as the fall of Constantinople (1453), although this date does not correspond to a clear linguistic boundary and many of the modern phonetic features of the language had already appeared centuries before. For much of this time, a situation of diglossia existed, with different regional oral dialects alongside archaic written forms. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the linguistic controversy around the popular or demotic variant (dimotiki) and the archaic cult (Kazarevusa) was important. Modern Greek today is based on the demotic variant and is the official language of Greece and Cyprus.

  • Catalan Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    With this free course of 9 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts to speak Catalan

    The Catalan language (catala is the self-government and the official name in the autonomous community of Catalonia, of the Balearic Islands, Andorra, the Italian city of Alghero, the Strip of Aragon and traditional denomination in the French region of Roussillon) or Valencian language (valenci is the self-call and the official denomination in the Valencian Community 2 and traditional in the Murcia region of El Carche) is a Romance language spoken by about ten million people (including non-native speakers) in Catalonia, the Valencian Community (except in some inland counties), the Balearic Islands, Andorra, the Aragon Strip, El Carche (a region of the Region of Murcia populated by Valencian immigrants), the Roussillon, the Sardinian city of Alghero and in small communities around the world (among which stands out argentina, with 195,000 speakers).