Sumerian Course

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With this free course of 16 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts to speak Sumerio

The Sumerian (eme-ĝir "native language") was the language of the ancient Sumer, which was spoken in southern Mesopotamia from at least the 4th millennium a.C. It was gradually replaced by Akkadian as a spoken language around the 19th century. C., but continued to be used as a sacred language and of scientific employment in Mesopotamia until the beginning of our era. From that moment it entered into oblivion until the nineteenth century. Sumerian is not related to the other languages of the area as it is neither semitic nor camita (not camito-Semitic), nor Indo-European, nor elamo-dravida (group, the latter, to which the Elamita language belongs, for example) and is considered an isolated language.

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With this free course of 16 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts to speak Sumerio

The Sumerian (eme-ĝir "native language") was the language of the ancient Sumer, which was spoken in southern Mesopotamia from at least the 4th millennium a.C. It was gradually replaced by Akkadian as a spoken language around the 19th century. C., but continued to be used as a sacred language and of scientific employment in Mesopotamia until the beginning of our era. From that moment it entered into oblivion until the nineteenth century. Sumerian is not related to the other languages of the area as it is neither semitic nor camita (not camito-Semitic), nor Indo-European, nor elamo-dravida (group, the latter, to which the Elamita language belongs, for example) and is considered an isolated language.

Sumerian was the first known written language. His writing, which was called cuneiform by the wedge shape of his strokes, was later used for akkadian, ugaritic, elamita, etc. It was also adapted for Indo-European languages such as hitite, which also possessed hieroglyphic writing such as Egyptians but independent of the latter. Also the Persian aquemenid adopted the cuneiform writing


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