Cryptography and Security Course

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With this free course of 34 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts of Cryptography and Security

Cryptography (from the Greek κρύπτos (kryptos), "hidden", and γραφή (graphé), "graph" or "writing", literally "hidden writing") has traditionally been defined as the field of cryptology that deals with encryption or coding techniques aimed at altering the linguistic representations of certain messages in order to make them unintelligible to unauthorized receivers.

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With this free course of 34 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts of Cryptography and Security

Cryptography (from the Greek κρύπτos (kryptos), "hidden", and γραφή (graphé), "graph" or "writing", literally "hidden writing") has traditionally been defined as the field of cryptology that deals with encryption or coding techniques aimed at altering the linguistic representations of certain messages in order to make them unintelligible to unauthorized receivers. These techniques are used both in art and in science and technology. Therefore, the only objective of cryptography was to achieve the confidentiality of messages, for which encryption systems and codes were designed, and the only existing cryptography was the so-called classical cryptography.

The emergence of computing and the massive use of digital communications have produced a growing number of security problems. Transactions that are made over the network can be intercepted, and therefore, the security of this information must be guaranteed. This challenge has generalized the objectives of cryptography to be the part of cryptology that is responsible for the study of algorithms, protocols (they are called cryptographic protocols), and systems that are used to protect information and provide security to communications and entities that communicate.

To do this, cryptographers investigate, develop and take advantage of mathematical techniques that serve as tools to achieve their goals. The great advances produced in the world of cryptography have been possible thanks to the evolution that have occurred in the field of mathematics and computer science.


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