Mathematics Course for Programmers

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With this free 13-video lessons course you will learn about the most important concepts of Mathematics for Programmers

Mathematics or mathematics2 (from Latin mathemat-ca, and this from Greek ,", derived from "knowledge") is a formal science that, starting from axioms and following logical reasoning, studies the properties and relationships between abstract entities such as numbers, geometric figures, icons, glyphs, or symbols in general.

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With this free 13-video lessons course you will learn about the most important concepts of Mathematics for Programmers

Mathematics or mathematics2 (from Latin mathemat-ca, and this from Greek ,", derived from "knowledge") is a formal science that, starting from axioms and following logical reasoning, studies the properties and relationships between abstract entities such as numbers, geometric figures, icons, glyphs, or symbols in general.

Mathematics is actually a set of formal languages that can be used as a tool to raise problems in an unambiguous way in specific contexts. For example, the following statement can be said in two ways: X is greater than Y and Y is greater than Z, or simplified form we can say that X> Y > Z. This is why mathematics is just a simplified language with one tool for each specific problem (e.g. 2+2x4, or 2x2x4).


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