
  • Learn to Dance Vals Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    With this free course of 11 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts to learn to dance Waltz

    The waltz (from the Gallic Waltzes, which in turn comes from the Germanism Walzer, term from the German verb walzen, 'to turn, to roll') is an elegant musical dance at a slow pace, originating in Tyrol (Austria) in the twelfth century and southern Germany. The waltz conquered its rank of nobility in Vienna during the 1760s, and became fashionable in that city around the 1780s and quickly expanded to other countries. Some authors believe that the waltz had its origin in the voltte or volta, dance dance in three times practiced during the sixteenth century. The word waltz was born in the eighteenth century, when this dance was introduced in opera and ballet.

  • Curso Aprender a Bailar Rock

    by teaching Online 2 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    Con este curso gratuito de 12 lecciones en vídeo aprenderás sobre los conceptos más importantes para aprender a Bailar Rock

    El rock es un término amplio que agrupa una variedad de géneros de música popular originados como rock and roll a principios de la década de 1950 en los Estados Unidos y que evolucionó en un gran rango de diferentes estilos en los 60, particularmente en Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos.Tiene sus raíces en el rock and roll de los 40 y 50, proveniente de la combinación de géneros anteriores como el blues, rhythm and blues y el country.

  • Learn to Dance Cumbia Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    Con este curso gratuito de 8 lecciones en vídeo aprenderás sobre los conceptos más importantes para aprender a bailar Cumbia

    El término “cumbia” es polisémico. Los significados más comunes son: un baile y un evento social, un conjunto de géneros (en plural), una categoría de mercado, y un género musical (en singular). No obstante estas diferencias, tanto en Colombia como en otras partes de Latinoamérica se suele hablar de “la cumbia” como una entidad homogénea, sin reparar o tomar conciencia de los diferentes usos y significados que el término tiene en diferentes momentos y contextos.

  • Learn to Dance Tango Level 3 Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons in 0,00Us $

    With this free course of 12 video lessons you will learn about the most important concepts to tango dancing

    Tango dance is a closely linked couple dance that emerged from the fusion of Afro-Rioplatense, Gaucho and European dances and rhythms. It is a characteristic dance of the Río de la Plata region, mainly of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay, and that later spread throughout the world. It is characterized by the couple's tight embrace, tango walking, cutting, raving, and improvisation.

  • Learn to Dance Tango Level 2 Course

    by teaching Online 1 Lessons 0,00Us $

    Con este curso gratuito de 14 lecciones en vídeo aprenderás sobre los conceptos más importantes para bailar Tango

    Tango dance is a closely linked couple dance that emerged from the fusion of Afro-Rioplatense, Gaucho and European dances and rhythms. It is a characteristic dance of the Río de la Plata region, mainly of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay, and that later spread throughout the world. It is characterized by the couple's tight embrace, tango walking, cutting, raving, and improvisation.